Teaching Links

lock5stat.com: Home for companion materials that accompany Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data by Lock, Lock, Lock, Lock, and Lock!

StatKey: Collection of easy-to-use online applets to visualize bootstrapping and randomization tests. Also includes online applets for descriptive statistics and theoretical probability distributions.

Ted-Ed: Visualizing Data: Free course on data visualization based on Ted Talks, with companion materials from Lock^5.

Rossman/Chance Applet Collection: Collection of easy to use applets to illustrate sampling distributions, confidence intervals, singificance testing, etc.

Guessing Correlations: Correlation guessing game (with leaderboard).

CAUSEweb Fun: Great collection of statistical cartoons, quotes, videos, etc.

Other Links

Lock Analytics: Statistical analyses in sports (football, basketball, hockey,...) by Dennis Lock.

Simply Statistics: Good statistical blog and website with interesting stories, analyses, and viewpoints. Maintained by Jeff Leek, Roger Peng, and Rafa Irizarry.

Andrew Gelman's blog: Blog on statistical modeling, causal inference, and other interesting topics.

Getting Genetics Done: Frequently useful blog on bioinformatics and the analysis of genetic data. Maintained by Stephen Turner.