PubH 8442 Bayes Decision Theory and Data Analysis- Spring 2024

Syllabus and Course Information

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Eric Lock

Teaching Assistant:

Jiuzhou Wang

Class time: Mon/Wed, 9:45am-11am in Mayo 1250

Office hours for Eric Lock: Mondays 1pm-2pm (UOP 238)

Office hours for Jiuzhou Wang: Thursdays 4:30-5:30pm over Zoom


Class feed:

1/17.Slides: Course introduction; Bayes' rule and Bayesian probability (2021 markup) ; Pancake problem
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, Chap 1; NY Times Bayesian article ; Nature: tutorial on Bayesian modeling

1/22. Slides: Prior and posterior (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, Sec 2.1 & 2.2; Monty Hall problem

HOMEWORK 1: Due Wed, Jan 31st (solutions)

1/24.Slides: More on priors (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, Sec 2.2 , 2.3.1, discussion on Jeffrey's priors

1/29.Slides: Estimation and decision theory (markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, Sec B.2

1/31.Slides: The Bias-Variance Tradeoff (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, 2.3.2
Sec 4.3.2 of Berger: Statistical Decion Theory and Bayesian Analysis

HOMEWORK 2: Due Monday, Feb 12th (solutions)

2/5.Slides: Interval Estimation (2021 markup 1) (2021 markup 2)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, 2.3.2
Sec 4.3.2 of Berger: Statistical Decion Theory and Bayesian Analysis
Sec 5.5.3 of Robert: The Bayesian Choice

2/7.Slides: Decisions and hypothesis testing (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, Sec B.3 and 2.3.3

2/12.Slides: More on decisions and hypotheses (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Non-local prior densities in Bayesian hypothesis tests, by Johnson and Rossell, 2010

2/14.Slides: Model Comparison (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Bayes Factors, by Kass and Raftery, 1995

HOMEWORK 3: Due Monday, February 26th. (solutions)

2/19.Slides: Model comparison (continued from above)
Optional Reading: Bayes Factors, by Kass and Raftery, 1995

2/21.Slides: Model assessment (2021 markup) , Hierarchical Models (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, Sec 2.5 and 4.6.2

2/26.Slides: The Normal-Gamma Model (2021 markup)

2/28.Slides: Bayesian Linear Models (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin and Louis 4.1
See these notes for full derivations of the normal-gamma and Bayesian LM

HOMEWORK 4: Due Thursday, March 14th. (solutions)

3/11.Slides: More on linear models (2021 markup)
Optional reading: Lindley and Smith - Bayes estimates of the linear model

3/13.Slides: Empirical Bayes Approaches (2021 markup) ; Asymptotic Posterior Approximation (2021 markup )
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis 5.1, 5.2, 5.3.

Notes on midterm
Sample midterm and (solutions)

3/18. Midterm (solutions)

3/20.Slides: Direct Sampling (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis 3.1, 3.2, 3.3.1

3/25. Importance Sampling (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis 3.3.2.

Homework 5 (Due Wed 4/3) (solutions)

3/27. Rejection Sampling (2021 markup); Metropolis-Hastings Sampling (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis 3.3.2.

4/1.Slides: Gibbs Sampling (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: See Casella & George 1992 for additional details on Gibbs sampling.
Carlin & Louis 3.3.1, 3.3.2.

4/3.Slides: More on MCMC (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis 3.4.5, 3.4.6.

4/8.Slides: Bayesian estimation software
See this article for a good introduction to WinBUGS
See this zip file for more resources and example code for BUGS, JAGS, and running these programs through R.
(Credit: Carrie Groth)

Homework 6 (Due Monday 4/15)

4/10.Slides: Deviance Information Criterion (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis 4.6

4/14.Slides: Bayesian Model Averaging
Optional Reading: this tutorial by Hoeting et al.

4/16. Slides: Mixture Models ; More on Posterior Computation
Optional Reading: See several references linked in the slides.

Final presentation notes

Final Project : Due Wednesday, May 1st (presentations April 24th and April 29th - presentation schedule )