PubH 8442 Bayes Decision Theory and Data Analysis- Spring 2025

Syllabus and Course Information (2025)

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Eric Lock

Teaching Assistant:

Souradipto Ghosh Dastidar

Class time: Mon/Wed, 9:45am-11am in Health Sciences Ed Ctr 2-101AB.

Office hours for Eric Lock: Mondays 1pm-2pm (UOP 238 and Zoom link in Canvas under "Pages")

Office hours for Souradipto Ghosh Dastidar: Fridays 2-3pm (UOP 2-274 and Zoom link on Canvas under "Pages")


Class feed:

1/22.Slides: Course introduction; Bayes' rule and Bayesian probability (2021 markup) ;
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, Chap 1; NY Times Bayesian article ; Nature: tutorial on Bayesian modeling

1/27. Slides: Prior and posterior (2021 markup) ; Pancake problem
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, Sec 2.1 & 2.2;Monty Hall problem

HOMEWORK 1: Due Wed, Feb 5th (solutions)

1/29.Slides: More on priors (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, Sec 2.2 , 2.3.1, discussion on Jeffrey's priors

2/3.Slides: Estimation and decision theory (markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, Sec B.2

2/5.Slides: The Bias-Variance Tradeoff (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, 2.3.2
Sec 4.3.2 of Berger: Statistical Decion Theory and Bayesian Analysis

HOMEWORK 2: Due Monday, Feb 17th

2/10.Slides: Interval Estimation (2021 markup 1) (2021 markup 2)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, 2.3.2
Sec 4.3.2 of Berger: Statistical Decion Theory and Bayesian Analysis
Sec 5.5.3 of Robert: The Bayesian Choice

2/12.Slides: Decisions and hypothesis testing (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Carlin & Louis, Sec B.3 and 2.3.3

2/17.Slides: More on decisions and hypotheses (2021 markup)
Optional Reading: Non-local prior densities in Bayesian hypothesis tests, by Johnson and Rossell, 2010

2/19.Slides: Model Comparison
Optional Reading: Bayes Factors, by Kass and Raftery, 1995

HOMEWORK 3: Due Friday, February 28th.

3/19. *Midterm*